On February 21st, 2023, Beverly Hills Publishing released Moniece Slaughter’s Mayhem: A Mental Health Memoir.
Moniece wrote this book with the hope of achieving her ultimate goals: healing, genuine joy, inner peace and the realization of her purpose. It is also a chance for her to let go of fears and apprehensions – like being an inadequate parent or businessperson, or never realizing her artistic potential.
For years fans have entreated Moniece to write a book and she finally decided that it would be a major milestone on her path forward in life, as well as an opportunity to tell the truth about her private life without the interference of television or negativity. This book will give an accurate portrayal of who Moniece Slaughter genuinely is.
Moniece Slaughter is an American reality T.V. star, actor and songwriter who hails from a musical family. Her skills in songwriting are well-known; she wrote the title track for “America’s Next Top Model.” But it was her role as a main cast member on the first five seasons of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood that brought Slaughter great fame, with a major storyline in each season of the franchise. For season six, Moniece decided to step down from her lead role to bring attention to mental health issues and still appeared as a major supporting character.